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Ref: 170406

Advanced Gel Concentrate IMC Ice Machine Cleaner 490ml

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£27.76 (Ex VAT)

Turn off the refrigeration and leave the pump in operation if possible. Drain the machine and refill with fresh water. The Ice Machine Cleaner Gel is designed to work on standard size ice machines and small variations, on the internal volumes, have been allowed for. Add the Ice Machine Cleaner Gel directly to the water and allow the solution to circulate for about 30 minutes. For scaled surfaces which are not in contact with the circulating solution, brush the diluted Advanced Ice Machine Cleaner Gel directly onto them. Extra-heavy scale may require a second dose.
After the cleaning and scale removal is complete, drain the cleaning solution and flush thoroughly with fresh water until the runoff becomes clear.
Store upright in a cool, dry place.
Product: Incineration on land
Container: Clean with water. Dispose of as normal industrial waste. Do not reuse empty container

Advanced Gel Concentrate IMC Ice Machine Cleaner 490ml

  • Height: 0 mm
  • Width: 0 mm
  • Depth: 0 mm
  • Weight: 0 kg
  • Application: Ice Machine
  • Size 490 ml

Advanced Gel Concentrate IMC Ice Machine Cleaner 490ml Downloads

PDF Specification
